Executive Headteacher: Lori Ann Mackey
Head of School: Meena Malhi (Primary) & Emma Partington (Secondary)
Shenstone School 94 Old Road, Crayford, Kent, DA1 4DZTel: 01322 524145
Contact Form
The school has 3 sites:
Crayford (01322 524145)
94 Old Road, Crayford, Kent DA1 4DZ
Sidcup (020 8302 1743)
St Andrews Road, Sidcup, Kent DA14 4RX
Secondary/Shenstone co Jubilee Primary (07513 826678)
Crowden Way, London SE28 8JB
Our Business Manager is Georgia Bissett who will be happy to field any queries via
We are happy to provide a paper copy of information available on the website if requested by a parent.