Safeguarding Team

At our school, we have a dedicated safeguarding email address, if you need to contact a DSL urgently:

Our Safeguarding Team:

Meena Malhi Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Primary School Head of School - Primary
Emma Partington Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Secondary School Head of School - Secondary
Lori Mackey Deputy DSL Executive Headteacher
Leann Bargery Deputy DSL Deputy Headteacher
Eve Kennett Deputy DSL Deputy Headteacher
Dawn Lyman Deputy DSL Family Wellbeing Lead

Safeguarding Poster Spring 2025


At Shenstone School the safeguarding of our children and staff is paramount and we aim to keep everybody safe and create a strong safeguarding culture.

Our Safeguarding Governor is Janine Wooster (  Part of their role is to challenge our procedures and policies, ensuring that we are effectively safeguarding all of our pupils.

The Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) Edward Snelgar can be contacted on 02030453436 or by email -

Children's Services at the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 02030455440 worried about a child

Bexley Safeguarding Partnership

NSPCC Helpline for adults concerned about a child - 08088005000 or email -

If you or a child is in immediate danger, phone the Police on 999.

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 

Looked after and previously looked after children policy