The Kemnal Academies Trust is one of the largest Multi-Academy Trusts in the South and East of England with 45 Special, Primary, Secondary and All Through Academies in the TKAT Family.

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Pupil Voice

All about me

All pupils have this important document with their name and picture and list of people that are important to them.

The document lists lots of information about pupils -

  • Strengths and skills: things I am really good at! e.g. I love hand painting.
  • How I communicate/social interaction e.g. choosing using eye-gaze/reaching.
  • Special interests and motivators: things I really like!  e.g.swimming.
  • In my learning environment I need/I learn best when e.g. I need an adult to help me play and take part in activities.
  • Things that make me anxious or stressed e.g. sudden noises.
  • Things that help me to stay happy and calm interaction.
  • My sensory differences e.g.X wears ear defenders if it’s too noisy and on the bus to travel home if needed.
  • Medical needs/eating and drinking e.g. I have a care plan. X eats orally
  • Independence (eating/drinking/toileting/work tasks/dressing etc.)/educational visits e.g.  I am reliant on adults for all of my needs. X needs 1:1 staffing for all trips.
  • Moving and handling/physical needs.

There will also be lots more to follow from our SENCO in the autumn term so watch this space…