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School Meals
School meals continue to be provided by Caterlink at our Crayford and Sidcup sites.
During this school year all primary school children in the London Borough of Bexley are entitled to a FREE SCHOOL MEAL (see details below).
Caterlink meals are nutritious, balanced and checked by nutritionists to ensure they meet the School Food Standards.
For secondary students meals are provided via Harrisons and for those who pay for meals we will continue to use an online payment system called ParentPay - https://www.parentpay.com/ for dinner money, school trips, etc. Using a secure website, you will be able to pay online using your credit / debit card. We also use ParentPay to send out letters and notifications so it is important you activate your account even if you do not pay for school dinners. Login details can be obtained from the school office.
Please note : usually we only accommodate a meal arrangement change half termly but amendments can be made if you speak to the school office or put your request in writing in advance. If an emergency situation arises and a school meal is required, please contact the school office as soon as possible so provisions can be made.
It is essential that parents/carers inform the school office directly of a change in meal arrangements. Unfortunately any indirect requests that are given to class teachers, bus drivers etc will not be processed.
If you are interested in your child having a free trial of our school dinners, please speak to the office staff.
Free School Meals
As from September 2023, all primary school aged children are entitled to a free school meal funded via the Mayor of London Universal Free School Meals Programme. It is however essential that if you are a parent/carer in receipt of one of the following listed support payments, you complete the “Application for free school meals” form, obtainable via the link at the bottom of the list. Completing this form will attract additional funding for the school.
It is very important that if you are a parent/carer in receipt of one of the following listed support payments, you complete the “Application for free school meals” form, obtainable via the link at the bottom of the list.
Completing this form will attract additional funding for the school.
Income Support; or,
Income based Employment and Support Allowance; or
Income based Job Seekers Allowance; or
Child Tax Credit, provided they are not entitled to working tax credit and have an annual income (as assessed by HM Revenue & Customs) that does not exceed £16,190; or,
Guarantee Element of State Pension Credit; or,
Working Tax Credit ‘run-on’ the payment someone may receive for a further four weeks after they stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit.
If you are unable to access the link or are having trouble printing the form please contact the school office, who will be happy to send one home via your child’s bag.
Once completed, please return this form to:
Free School Meals Team
London Borough of Bexley
Erith Town Hall
School meals are provided by Caterink, who supply many of Bexley school lunches. For further information about Caterlink please click the below link which will take you to their website.
See menu below to review what is on offer.
Week beginning 4th November 2024-31st March 2025
Secondary School Meals
Free School Meals
If you are a parent/carer in receipt of one of the following listed support payments, please complete the “Application for free school meals” form, obtainable via the link at the bottom of the list.
Completing this form will attract additional funding for the school.
Income Support; or,
Income based Employment and Support Allowance; or
Income based Job Seekers Allowance; or
Child Tax Credit, provided they are not entitled to working tax credit and have an annual income (as assessed by HM Revenue & Customs) that does not exceed £16,190; or,
Guarantee Element of State Pension Credit; or,
Working Tax Credit ‘run-on’ the payment someone may receive for a further four weeks after they stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit.
If you are unable to access the link or are having trouble printing the form please contact the school office, who will be happy to send one home via your child’s bag.
Once completed, please return this form to:
Free School Meals Team
London Borough of Bexley
Erith Town Hall
Secondary School Dinner Money Arrangements
For 2023-24 our Secondary school meals are provided by Harrison Catering, the daily price will remain at £2.35 per day (£11.75 per week) for secondary pupils who are not eligible to receive circumstantial free school meals.
We use an online payment system called ParentPay - https://www.parentpay.com/ for dinner money, school trips, etc. Using a secure website, you will be able to pay online using your credit / debit card. We also use ParentPay to send out letters and notifications so it is important you activate your account even if you do not pay for school dinners. Login details can be obtained from the school office.
Usually we only accommodate a meal arrangement change half termly but amendments can be made if you speak to the school office or put your request in writing in advance. If an emergency situation arises and a school meal is required, please contact the school office as soon as possible so provisions can be made.
It is essential that parents/carers inform the school office directly of a change in meal arrangements. Unfortunately any indirect requests that are given to class teachers, bus drivers etc will not be processed.
If you are interested in your child having a free trial of our school dinners, please speak to the office staff.
Harrison Catering
Secondary School meals are provided by Harrison Catering, who supply many of Bexley school lunches. For further information about Harrison Catering please click the below link which will take you to their website.
See Menu week beginning 24th February - 21st July 2025 below.